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CBSE Class 8 English Application Writing


CBSE Class 8 English Application Writing

1. To a Principal to improve the hygienic conditions in the school.
You are Naresh of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Ranchi. Write an application to your Principal
drawing his/her attention to improve the hygienic conditions in your school.
The Principal
Kendriya Vidyalaya
September 3, 2016
Kindly permit me to make a suggestion. It is about the hygienic conditions in the school.

Sir, our school is one of the most reputed schools in the state. Our students have come off with flying colours in every field. Our teachers are also well qualified and devoted to teaching. Yet, our school building does not give the same good impression. The sweepers do not sweep well. As a result dirt and dust is seen everywhere. The toilets are very dirty. They stink a lot. To avoid that foul smell, many students make water on the walls of the building. This results in worsening the conditions.

You are, therefore, requested to improve the hygienic conditions of the school.
With thanks
Yours obediently
Naresh Kumar
CBSE Class 8 English Application Writing 1

2. Write an application to the Principal of your school for fee-concession.
The Principal
M.D. Secondary School
New Delhi
10 February, 2017
I beg to say that my father is a poor man. His monthly income is only ten thousand rupees. We are six members in our family. My father is not in a position to pay my fee.

I request you to grant me full fee concession. I shall be highly obliged to you for this act of kindness.
Yours obediently
Class VIII
CBSE Class 8 English Application Writing 2

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