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Editing Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers


Editing Solved Exercise With Answers for Class 9 CBSE

Question 1.
The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your notebooks as given below against the correct blank numbers. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

All of us enjoy the excitement of the cinema. Anthe
We don’t think about how a film was created………………
while we’re watching them. However, behind every………………
success film there is a lengthy, creative process………………
who involves a variety of different activities.………………
Usually, the process begins by what is called the………………
‘treatment’. This is the basic outline off the film story.………………

Question 2.

A one-eyed man was travelinge.gAnA
through a bus one day. He was(a)____________________________
carrying a huge bag on him(b)____________________________
shoulder. Anyone sitting next to him(c)____________________________
said, “Why didn’t you keep your bag(d)____________________________
beneath the seat?” The man smiled(e)____________________________
and said, “It is too big to be kept their”.(f)____________________________

(a) through – by
(b) him – his
(c) Anyone – Somebody
(d) didn’t – don’t
(e) beneath – under
(f) their – there

Question 3.

Kashmir is right called the e.g. right rightlye.grightrightly
“Paradise in Earth”, Its beauty(a)____________________________
is to be see to be believed.(b)____________________________
The rivers, hill, mountains and(c)____________________________
gardens are the tourist attract.(d)____________________________
The snow-clad mountains is(e)____________________________
a treat for.the eyes.(f)____________________________

(a) in – on
(b) see – seen
(c) hill – hills
(d) attract – attractions
(e) is – are
(f) for – to

Question 4.

The more important advantagee.gmoremost
of a nuclear family are that(a)____________________________
people get his privacy.(b)____________________________
In a joint family, their are(c)____________________________
restrictions which todays(d)____________________________
generation do not like.(e)____________________________
They disregard the disadvantages of a joint family.(f)____________________________

(a) are – is
(b) his – their
(c) their – there
(d) todays – today’s
(e) do – does
(f) disadvantages – advantages

Question 5.
There is an error in each line. Underline the incorrect word and write the correct word in the blank given. The first one has been done for you as an example. I entered the manager’s office and sat down, (entered)

I have just lost five hundred rupees and I felt very upset, (a) __________ “I leave the money in my desk,” I said, (b) __________ “and it is not there now”. The manger was very sympathetic but he can do nothing, (c) __________ “Everyone loses money theses days,” (d) __________ he said. He start to complain about this wicked world, (e) __________ but is interrupted by a knock at the door, (f) __________.
(a) was feeling
(b) left
(c) could
(d) is losing, these
(e) started
(f) was

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