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MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water with Answers


Water Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
How much percentage of water does a human body contains?
(a) 60%
(b) 70%
(c) 80%
(d) 90%


Answer: (b) 70%

Question 2.
Water is used for
(a) bathing
(b) cooking
(c) drinking
(d) all of these


Answer: (d) all of these

Question 3.
The water in oceans cannot be used because
(a) it is salty
(b) it is harmful
(c) it is toxic
(d) it is acidic


Answer: (a) it is salty

Question 4.
Which of the following are the sources of water?
(a) Rivers
(b) Ponds
(c) Lakes
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 5.
The place where underground water comes out on the surface of earth on its own is called
(a) rainwater
(b) spring
(c) sea level
(d) glacier


Answer: (b) spring

Question 6.
Which of the following is the largest source of water?
(a) Sea
(b) Ocean
(c) Pond
(d) Lake


Answer: (b) Ocean

Question 7.
Potable water is
(a) ocean water
(b) groundwater
(c) river water
(d) pond water


Answer: (b) groundwater

Question 8.
Which is not a part of water cycle?
(a) Cloud formation
(b) Rain
(c) Drinking by animals
(d) Sun


Answer: (c) Drinking by animals

Question 9.
Which one of the following is a purest form of water?
(a) River water
(b) Groundwater
(c) Rainwater
(d) Ocean water


Answer: (c) Rainwater

Question 10.
The process of conversion of water into vapours is called
(a) transpiration
(b) evaporation
(c) condensation
(d) none of these


Answer: (b) evaporation

Question 11.
The process by which plants lose water is
(a) photosynthesis
(b) translocation
(c) transpiration
(d) transportation


Answer: (c) transpiration

Question 12.
The amount of water recommended by the UN for drinking, washing, cooking and maintaining proper hygiene is
(a) 50 litres per person per day
(b) 60 litres per person per day
(c) 70 litres per person per day
(d) 80 litres per person per day


Answer: (a) 50 litres per person per day

Question 13.
Boiling point of water is
(a) 100°C
(b) 99°C
(c) 101°C
(d) 102°C


Answer: (a) 100°C

Question 14.
The water which had escaped from the earth as vapour returns to the earth in the form of
(a) precipitation
(b) evaporation
(c) infiltration
(d) condensation


Answer: (a) precipitation

Question 15.
Heavy rains may cause
(a) floods
(b) drought
(c) rainlessness
(d) both (a) and (c)


Answer: (a) floods

Question 16.
Which is a result of condensation of water vapours?
(a) Rain
(b) Snowfall
(c) Hail
(d) Tiny water droplets


Answer: (d) Tiny water droplets

Question 17.
When we step out from an air-conditioned car, on a humid day, our spectacles becomes misty and we cannot see anything clearly. This happens due to a process known as
(a) decantation
(b) evaporation
(c) precipitation
(d) condensation


Answer: (d) condensation

II. Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
More than ………………. of the earth’s surface is covered with water.


Answer: two-thirds

Question 2.
………………. is needed for drinking, bathing, washing our clothes and many more functions.


Answer: Water

Question 3.
About ………………. of the total earth’s water is available for use.


Answer: 0.01%

Question 4.
“Catch water where it falls” is the basic idea behind ………………. harvesting.


Answer: rainwater

Question 5.
The rivers get their water from the melting of snow lying on the peaks of snow mountains called ……………….


Answer: glaciers

Question 6.
Region below the ground which is saturated with water is known as ……………….


Answer: water table

Question 7.
The water cycle is also known as ……………….


Answer: hydrologic cycle

Question 8.
Ice, water and ………………. are the three states of same material.


Answer: gas

Question 9.
Water is considered as ………………. resource on the earth.


Answer: renewable

Question 10.
Water vapours get continuously added to atmosphere due to evaporation and ……………….


Answer: transpiration

Question 11.
The process of conversion of vapours into liquid is known as ……………….


Answer: condensation

Question 12.
Falling of rain is also called ……………….


Answer: precipitation

Question 13.
Water drops present on grass during winter morning is called ……………….


Answer: dew

Question 14.
Ocean act as a ………………. for large number of plants and animals.


Answer: habitat

Question 15.
Lack of rain causes ……………….


Answer: drought

III. True or False

Question 1.
Chemically lodestone is oxides of iron.


Answer: True

Question 2.
It is possible to obtain an isolated south pole of a magnet.


Answer: False

Question 3.
Magnetite is a natural magnet.


Answer: True

Question 4.
Magnet was discovered by Newton.


Answer: False

Question 5.
A wooden material can be magnetised.


Answer: False

Question 6.
If we break a bar magnet into two then each piece will have two poles.


Answer: True

Question 7.
Compass needle is made of a magnet.


Answer: True

Question 8.
Heat cannot destroy magnetic properties of a magnet.


Answer: False

Question 9.
There is a maximum attraction in middle of a bar magnet.


Answer: False

Question 10.
Our earth behaves as a huge magnet.


Answer: True

IV. Match the items given in column I suitably with those given in column II.

Column IColumn II
1. Ice(a) Due to lack of rain
2. Oceans(b) Due to excess of rain
3. Drought(c) The solid form of water
4. Flood(d) Sources of saline water
5. Purest form of water(e) Present in human beings
6. 70% water(f) Are covered with ice
7. 90% water(g) Rainwater
8. Poles(h) Present in tomatoes
9. Water cycle(i) Formed during winters
10. Dew(j) Continuous movement of water in Earth’s atmosphere


Column IColumn II
1. Ice(c) The solid form of water
2. Oceans(d) Sources of saline water
3. Drought(a) Due to lack of rain
4. Flood(b) Due to excess of rain
5. Purest form of water(g) Rainwater
6. 70% water(e) Present in human beings
7. 90% water(h) Present in tomatoes
8. Poles(f) Are covered with ice
9. Water cycle(j) Continuous movement of water in Earth’s atmosphere
10. Dew(i) Formed during winters

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