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Story Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


Story Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

The important aspects when writing a story are:

1. Characters
When you write a story, you have to decide who will be in it. The people in a story are called characters. Before you start to write, think about the characters you might put in your story. What will each character do? Why is he or she important to the story? In what ways are your characters alike? How are they different? What can your characters learn from each other? One last thing to remember: your characters don’t always have to be people. If an animal plays a part in the story, that animal is a character too.

2. Setting
A story has to happen in a place. The place where a story happens is called the setting. The setting might be a place you are familiar with or it might even be another planet! A setting doesn’t even have to be a real place.

3. Details
When you write a story, you use your imagination to see everything that happens. Details help readers understand how something looks, how it feels, how it sounds—even how something smells or tastes!

4. Plot
Once you’ve decided on your characters and setting—and made them come alive with details—your characters have to do something! What your characters do is the plot of your story. To make the plot exciting, additional problems.

Story Writing Solved Examples With Answers For Class 9 CBSE

Question 1.
Colonel Vishwanathan, a brave soldier bought an old mansion though many people in the area told him it was haunted. Write a story about Colonel Vishwanathan’s encounter with the ghost of “Teen Batia Bhavan”.

The Teen Batia Bhavan

Colonel Vishwanathan retired from the Army and bought a house called the Teen Batia Bahavan in the quiet town of Hazaria. Having fought three wars, it made no difference to him that the house was supposedly haunted. On his first day in the Teen Batia Bhavan, Colonel Vishwanathan settled down in an armchair in front of his TV with a glass of juice. Suddenly, the lights went off and the room was plunged into darkness.

“Here, Gitten Ram,” Colonel Vishwanathan called out to his housekeeper.
“Beware! Don’t shout,” said a hoarse voice.
The Colonel looked up in surprise. Hovering over him in the air was a soldier in armour.

“My dear fellow,” said Colonel Vishwanathan in a voice filled with admiration, “I don’t know how you do this levitation. Especially seeing as you are dressed for a fancy dress party.”

The Ghost gave a withering cry. “Oh Sir, don’t scream so. I like a bit of peace in the evening,” said the Colonel. “Would you like to have a drink with me?”

The Ghost screamed again and continued to float and walk through walls and doors. The Colonel laughed at his antics.
“Sir, I’ve never been so entertained before. You must entertain my friends too.”

The ghost gave a loud yell and vanished. Colonel Vishwanathan shook his head and muttered, “It’s a pity he left in a huff. The others would have been quite amused by his antics.”

Question 2.
You are Ajay. You have forgotten to do your homework and without a legitimate excuse, you’re sure to get punished by the teacher. In an attempt to make an excuse, you have decided to come up with an elaborate story to make the teacher believe your excuse or at the very least have a good laugh. Use any of the words prompts given in the box below to help you write your ruse. Write the story in about 150-200 words.

Homework School Bicycle Water Ate
Dinosaur Giant Flying Dirty Father

I’m sorry ma’am, I couldn’t do my homework because … I was on my way back from school yesterday thinking about all the chores and homework I have to do. Then suddenly, my bicycle got a flat tire and skidded down a slope. I was lucky I didn’t have a bad fall. So I was dragging my bicycle along and on the way, I saw two elephants and their mahout’s training. It was exciting to see them and somehow these elephants looked special.

The first elephant started flapping his ears and before you know it, it got bigger and bigger and he started flying. I asked them if they could drop me, they agreed to make me ride the flying elephant but with one condition, I had to feed the elephant the next day. Feeling ecstatic, I just said, ‘Yes’.

I was over the moon when the elephant started flying. It buzzed through all the traffic and I reached home within minutes. I thanked the mahouts and dashed into the house to tell my story. After dinner, I completed my homework and decided to hit the sack.

In the morning, a loud trumpet woke me up. I saw that the elephant was back and remembering what the mahout said, I got a couple of snacks from the fridge. The elephant wouldn’t eat anything. Then all of a sudden, the elephant raised his trunk and started sucking in air like a vacuum and all the leaves in the garden and the paper from all the books in our library flew straight into the elephant’s mouth. The mahout mentioned that his elephant liked the paper. After eating it flew off with the mahout.

I went back in to get ready for school and I realised that my homework was gone and I couldn’t write a new one because the elephant ate all the paper in our house!

Question 3.
Complete the following story. It has to be a scary story that terrifies people. Give a suitable title to your story.
I stopped my scooter in front of an old and dilapidated building. A haggered, skinny old man with drooping shoulders came towards me. “Don’t go in, Sir”, he whispered. “It is dangerous…”
I stopped my scooter in front of an old and dilapidated building. A haggered, skinny old man with drooping shoulders came towards me. “Don’t go in, Sir”, he whispered. “It is dangerous…”

I got angry at the old man and asked him to go away as I had to prepare a report on old forts as a part of my museology course. He murmured something and stared at me with a strange expression.

For a moment a chill ran through my spine and I shuddered but I shrugged off the feeling and entered through the rusty gate. The atmosphere was eerie and the air was still. The withered wines on the walls of the building looked like veins on the hands of some witch. I stepped towards the stairs on the entrance of the fort and no sooner did I step on the first stair, then many bats came screeching and flew above my head. I dived down with a start and again thought of moving further. Just then I heard someone laughing. It was a hollow and strange laugh that seemed to ^ vibrate through the building. By this time, I was quite nervous and stepped down to look around.

Suddenly my blood froze to see a shadow like a figure floating above the railings of the terrace of the building. I turned only to see the same old man standing before me. Surprisingly, I felt a- sense of relief to see someone else there. The old man smiled and said, “Haven’t I told you? Now come out, as soon it will be dark and we will never be able to see the light of the day.”

Sweat poured out of my body through the air was chilly and I followed the old man in a trance-like situation. After coming out, I was about to thank the old man when to my surprise, he just disappeared in thin air. Collecting my wits I drove fast my scooter back home and decided never to pass by that way. It was really a scary experience.

Question 4.
Ultimately he won it as he was determined to accomplish his mission. The closing of a story is given above. You can start your own story but you can’t change the end. Write the story in 150-200 words.

The Determined Effort

The marathon was a week away. The leg plaster had come off but I was using crutches. Since it was for a charitable cause I was determined to contribute to it. Friends were sympathetic and tried to dissuade me. As a rebellious teenager, I refused to follow sound advice and willed myself to take a few short steps. Oh how the pain shot through my leg! I had managed to hobble to the door. Next day, my trainer arrived to coach me and by the day of the marathon, I felt well prepared. The race took off to an uneventful start but by mid-morning, the heat was oppressive. I remained calm although the leg was beginning to hurt a bit. I realized soon the runners had picked up speed and were outracing me. I pulled my muscles taut, gritted my teeth and fought off the painful sensation in my legs. The finishing line was a blur as I remember dropping to the ground at the rope.

When I came to my senses, I could hear someone saying…“Ultimately he won it and he was determined to accomplish his mission.”

Question 5.
….Suddenly it started raining and thunder rumbled. The animals frightened by the streaks of lightning and the roar of thunder, broke loose and began to run …
Write a story in 150-200 words which can have a different beginning and end but the middle must – be the same as above. «,

The Fiasco

We went to the local Auchandi Fair at the Mela Grounds. There were live performances and even exhibitions of prized animals. The star attraction at the fair was a performance by a Bollywood playback singer. There was an animal show in the neighbouring stall, but the singer was still the largest crowd puller.

I The weather was fine and the singer had everyone dancing to his lively numbers. Suddenly it started raining and thunder rumbled. The animals, frightened by the streaks of lightning and the roar of i thunder, broke loose and began to run wildly all over the grounds. The elephants began trumpeting the horses galloped and trembled in fear. The music was totally drowned in this cacophony and a stampede resulted. The orchestra deserted, and the singer was left alone on the stage.

I had never witnessed such a fiasco in my life. The police arrived, whisked away the singer and restored order all around.

Question 6.
You had been preparing for an interview for the last few days. You faced the interview and succeeded.
Write the story in 150-200 words (Take help from the outline given) from your preparation to your success.

Outline: Interview for the post of cub reporter—facing interview board—answering questions with well-prepared arguments—happy to be accepted and eager to serve.


My First Job

I was scared but eager to land my first job as a cub reporter in a children’s newspaper.

I dressed carefully for the interview and reached on time. On the threshold itself, my throat felt dry and my hands shook slightly as I turned the door knob. But when the interview board of six people, welcomed me warmly, my fears vanished. I felt composed as I was well prepared.

The board sifted through my file of write-ups. They invited me to join a group discussion on whether schools should give homework. I argued vehemently in favour, countermanding the board’s stock suggestions about burdening children, making parents into homework writing machines and children inattentive in class. The Board seemed satisfied with my refutations in favour of giving homework.

In the end, I felt a palpable air of satisfaction all around. Thus, when their final approval accepting me as a cub reporter arrived, I was faring to take off on my new assignment.

Question 7.
He was fond of his grandmother. She would bathe him, give him breakfast, prepare his bag and take him to the school. While he was in the school, she sat in the temple, saying her prayers… Complete the stoiy in your own words. (150-200 words)

A Loving Relationship

He was fond of his grandmother. She would bathe him, give him breakfast, prepare his bag and take him to the school. While he was in the school, she sat in the temple, saying her prayers and waiting for him to finish school. On the way, the duo exchanged greetings with shopkeepers, fed stale chapattis to stray animals and talked about events both local and international. One day, he told his grandmother how they had begun learning computers at school. Grandmother was interested and wanted to learn how to send mails to her children and her relatives.

When her grandson offered to teach her, she was hesitant and said her eyes would not stand the strain of looking at a computer screen for long. But he argued that if her eyes could watch television, they were good enough to stare at a computer screen. Grandmother relented and learnt to type, manipulate the mouse and click on various icons. The thrilling moment came when she was able to send a Baisakhi greeting to her sons in the town. The flood of compliments that followed nearly crashed her computer. It was a small revolution and her grandson had made it happen.

Question 8.
On the basis of the clipping shown and the outline given, write a stoiy in 150-200 words.

Outline: On way to school—chaos on main road—accident at metro construction site—scene of the accident—student volunteers help in controlling.

Story Writing Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises


A Volunteer Act

As the school bus came on the main road, I saw a huge crowd running in our direction. The driver of our bus braked at sight of the oncoming crowd. The people were furiously waving their hands and gesturing to the driver to stop the bus. Soon a police inspector arrived and asked the bus driver to take the bus to the kerb. Inside the bus, everyone had left their seats and were craning out of the windows.

On enquiry from the people nearby we learnt that there had been a major accident on one of the metro station construction sites. An under-construction bridge had collapsed and a large slab of concrete had collapsed, caving in the roof of a moving bus, causing fatalities.

Before long, the sirens of ambulances screeched all around. Volunteers from nearby began to help in carrying the injured into waiting ambulances. The local minister himself joined the rescue work. Naturally, we students, could not remain inactive any longer. With the help of our teachers, we formed groups and under the direction of the local policeman, began to divert the traffic so that a traffic jam could be averted.

Question 9.
On the basis of the outline given, write a story in your own words. (150-200 words)

Outline: School fete—held annually—Ferris wheel major attraction—cancellation of Ferris wheel— last minute change—celebration as before


A Surprise At The School Fete

The much awaited annual school fete was teetering on the brink of cancellation. The venue had been taken over for holding a large book exhibition. Hence, the space for putting up the giant Ferris wheel, was unavailable.

Several alternate suggestions had been made, but we students could not be persuaded and our Principal had shelved the idea of a fete for that year. We could barely hide our disappointment, but kept hoping.

On our school Sports Day the Chief of the Army Staff was the Chief Guest. When he had praised , our impeccable march past, the school’s head boy gave a smart salute and asked for permission to speak. His request conceded, Ashish walked up to the mike and made a public appeal to the chief guest to hold the school fete in the military parade ground. To our surprise the Army General immediately agreed.

On that memorable day, besides the games stalls and school bands, what made every schoolboy’s heart race, was the sight of the giant Ferris wheel, with squealing passengers waving merrily, as they rotated in it.

Question 10.
On the basis of the outline given, write a story in 150-200 words.

Outline: Assistant for wicked magician—thief with extraordinary power of making himself disappear —police harassed by him—cruel to assistant—reported to police—magician made police disappear but assistant and other boys come to their rescue and help arrest magician


The Disappearing Trick

Surprised by an ad asking for a magician’s assistant, Rahul had applied. Before long, Rahul realized that the man was a thief who used the magician’s disappearing trick to evade detection when the police arrived on the scene.

Instead of exposing the magician right away, Rahul hatched a plan. He pleaded to be taught the disappearing trick. The magician was hesitant and put Rahul to a test. He ordered Rahul to steal his mother’s gold chain. But Rahul knew that the magician would report him to his parents and then dismiss him, ruining all chances of his learning the disappearing trick. Thus when Rahul declined the task, the magician was convinced of Rahul’s sincerity and began teaching him.

When Rahul had mastered the trick, he went to the nearest police station and handed over a horde of stolen property that his master had kept for sale. When the men went to arrest the magician, he was about to perform the disappearing act on the policemen, but Rahul swung into action and made the magician disappear. The police then conducted a thorough search of the premises, while the wicked man kept howling and pleading witlr’Rahul to make him visible again.

Question 11.
Write a story developing the idea further given in the outline in your own words. (150-200 words)

outline: Window display in toy shop—Diwali season—theft—alarm sounded—no clues found— police non-plussed—little boy spots the difference in window display leading to arrest


The Little Detective

It was Diwali time and shoppers were making last-minute purchases of sweets, fruits, and new clothes. Children were seen shopping for toys at the newly opened computer games and toys shop. Suddenly the alarm went off and an announcement was made to control all exit gates and search all shoppers’ packets. Apparently, the thieves had pointed a revolver at the shop assistant and made off with a diamond necklace. Though they had been spotted on the CCTV and the police had examined every inch of the mall premises, it seemed they thief had disappeared into thin air.

A little boy shopping with his grandparents was pleading with them to buy him ‘the toy tiger because it could roll its eyes. Intrigued by the child’s remark, his grandfather had looked intently. He realized that the eyes were those of a man hiding inside the toy.
He at once alerted the police and when they rushed to the scene, the thieves emerged from their hideout and surrendered to the police. The police rewarded the little detective with a gift of the toy tiger and his grandfather bought him an extra-large packet of mithai for Diwali.

Question 12.
Write a story in your own words with the help of the cues mentioned in the outline. (150-200 words)

Outline: Ram Pyari—zoo jumbo—caught in kheda operations—apprenticed to eldest zoo elephant Putli Bai—taught elephant ways—trumpeting contest at a temple festival


Jumbo Ram Pyari

Ram Pyari, a 70 kg flabby baby elephant with a frisky tail and inquisitive trunk, was caught in the kheda operations. Too young to be a working elephant, Ram Pyari, was housed in a zoo under the care of elephant aunt, Putli Bai.

The elephant elder soon realized that Ram Pyari lacked training. She taught her how to hold up her little trunk in salaam, and how to trumpet tunefully.

Ram Pyari would show off her trumpeting and trunk salute to visiting school children. They would clap back. When the temple festival was ongoing next door, Ram Pyari thought it was the right time to show off her trumpeting skills. As soon as the nagaswaram players sounded the ritual notes, Ram Pyari sent off a loud trumpet, drowning the musical sound. The temple priests were furious and wanted to put a curse on the elephant.

Just then Putli Bai came to their rescue. She wrapped her trunk around Ram Pyari’s legs and pushing her into a corner stood guard over her, refusing to allow the keeper to feed her.

Poor Ram Pyari never repeated the mistake of teasing a human being again.

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