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MCQ Questions for Class 11 Geography Chapter 7 Landforms and their Evolution with Answers


Landforms and their Evolution Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

I. Choose the correct answer

Question 1.
Which one is a geomorphic agent?
(a) running water
(b) ground water
(c) waves
(d) all of them


Answer: (d) all of them.

Question 2.
A land mass passes how many stages of development?
(a) youth
(b) mature
(c) old age
(d) all of them


Answer: (d) all of them.

Question 3.
Running water causes
(a) erosion
(b) deposition
(c) both of them
(d) none of them


Answer: (c) both of them.

Question 4.
The geomorphic agents are capable of
(a) erosion
(b) deposition
(c) both of them
(d) none of them


Answer: (c) both of them.

Question 5.
What causes overland flow?
(a) sheet erosion
(b) hill formation
(c) sheet deposition
(d) none of these


Answer: (c) sheet deposition

Question 6.
Gullies deepens, widen, lengthen and unite to form
(a) rills
(b) valleys
(c) mountains
(d) deltas


Answer: (b) valleys.

Question 7.
Name the geomorphologists who considered that landforms were the best indicators of earth’s history’:
(a) S.W. Woolridge
(b) M.M. Davis
(c) both
(d) none of these


Answer: (c) both.

Question 8.
Name the forces which are responsible for the evolution of landforms.
(a) external
(b) Internal
(c) both
(d) none of these


Answer: (c) both.

Question 9.
How many types of weathering takes place?
(a) mechanical
(b) chemical
(c) biological
(d) all of them


Answer: (d) all of them.

Question 10.
Name the process under which the rocks are decayed and decomposed without any change in their situation :
(n) weathering
(b) volcanisation
(c) mass wasting
(d) wave currents


Answer: (a) weathering.

Question 11.
In which type of climate rocks are broken by frost?
(a) humid
(b) arid
(c) cold climate
(d) hot climate


Answer: (c)cold climate.

Question 12.
In which type of rocks the action of carbonation occurs?
(a) sand rock
(b) granite
(c) limestone
(d) none of these


Answer: (c) limestone.

Question 13.
Where is the largest canyon of the world present?
(a) in U.S.A.
(b) in Australia
(c) in India
(d) in China


Answer: (a) in U.S.A.

Question 14.
Decomposition of rocks by chemical process is known as
(a) chemical weathering
(b) physical weathering
(c) biological weathering
(d) none of these


Answer: (a) chemical weathering.

Question 15.
Name the landform that appears when soft rocks lie under the layer of hard rocks
(a) gorge
(b) canyon
(c) zeugens
(d) yardangs


Answer: (c) zeugens.

Question 16.
The stream action in combination with weathering, mass wasting and overhead flow is responsible for total process known as
(a) flords
(b) fiords
(c) fluvial denudation
(d) denudation


Answer: (c) fluvial denudation.

Question 17.
Which type of valley is formed by the vertical erosion of the river?
(a) V-shaped
(b) canyon
(c) U-shaped
(d) sink valley


Answer: (a) V-shaped.

Question 18.
What kind of waves are formed by the upward’and downward movement of water?
(a) wind
(b) hot waves
(c) sea waves
(d) none of these


Answer: (c) sea waves.

Question 19.
When the water rushes up the beach it is called
(a) breakar
(b) swash
(c) backwash
(d) undertow


Answer: (b) swash

Question 20.
The network of channels is called
(a) landslide
(b) landforms
(c) drainage
(d) weathering


Answer: (c) drainage.

Question 21.
What do we call the steep slope facing the sea?
(a) canyon
(b) coast
(c) mountain
(d) cliff


Answer: (d) cliff.

Question 22.
On which factor does the erosional work of the river depend?
(a) volume of water
(b) velocity of water
(c) load of river
(d) all of them


Answer: (d) all of them.

Question 23.
Name the process which takes place with water and minerals
(A) carbonation
(b) hydration
(c) solution
(d) none of these


Answer: (b) hydration.

Question 24.
The action of oxygen with minerals is known as
(a) hydration
(b) carbonation
(c) carboxylation
(d) oxidation


Answer: (d) oxidation.

II. Fill up the blanks with suitable words

Question 1.
Changes on the surface of the earth owe mostly ……………….. by various agents.


Answer: erosion, geomorphic

Question 2.
There are two …………….. of running water.


Answer: components

Question 3.
……………. flow causes sheet erosion.


Answer: Overland

Question 4.
The ……………. are still V-shaped but …………… with smooth tops


Answer: valleys, deep

Question 5.
……………. also help in the deepening of valleys.


Answer: Pools

Question 6.
…………… are alluvial fans but develop at different …………….


Answer: Deltas, locations

Question 7.
The chief constituent of limestone is ……………


Answer: calcium carbonate

Question 8.
………….. and ……………. into the ground starts the solution process along the fractures, faults, bedding and other zones of weakness.


Answer: Surface run off, infilteration

Question 9.
Caves having opening at both the ends are called ……………..


Answer: tunnels.

Question 10.
…………….. are the most common landforms in glaciated mountains.


Answer: Cirques

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