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Clauses Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers


Clauses Exercises With Answers for Class 9 CBSE

The answer lies in the sense that much like a phrase a clause is also a group of related words but the only difference being that a phrase lacks either a subject or a predicate.

A clause can be further classified into four types.
1. The main clause has a subject, a verb and forms a complete thought. They can stand on their own as a complete sentence.

  • Neha ate a lot of cookies.
  • ‘Neha ate a lot of cookies’ is an independent or main clause.
  • My cat likes fish.
  • If you look at the above two sentences, you will notice that there is a subject, a verb and the sentence forms a complete thought.

2. Subordinate or dependent clause is a type of clause that depends on the main clause for meaning,

  • [Neha ate a lot of cookies] – [after she watched the cooking show.]
    (Main clause) – (subordinate clause)

Types of subordinate clauses:
Clauses Exercises With Answers for Class 9 CBSE

Noun Clause

A subordinate clause that acts as a noun in a sentence is called a Noun clause.

  • I told him that I would get his book.
  • Tell her what she wants to know.
  • I want to know if he is telling the truth.

The clauses underlined are all Noun Clauses.
Note: Noun clauses are generally introduced by

  • that
  • if/whether
  • wh-question words like who, why, what, etc.

Note: The examples cited below should be used as a guide to help children make their own examples.

Clauses for Class 9 CBSE Solved Exercise With Answers

Complete the following sentences by adding appropriate noun clauses.

Question 1.
Do you know ……………………………………?
Do you know that he has a younger brother also.

Question 2.
I think ………………………………….. .
I think that you have done a wonderful job.

Question 3.
Please tell me ………………………………….. .
Please tell me if you need mv help.

Question 4.
Tell the police ………………………………….. .
Tell the police how did you set the rifle.

Question 5.
The teacher said ………………………………….. .
The teacher said that you must bring the books tomorrow.

Question 6.
Please see to it ………………………………….. .
Please see to it that no door remains unlocked.

Question 7.
I came to know ………………………………….. .
I came to know that she is suffering from a serious illness.

Question 8.
She told ………………………………….. .
She told that she doesn’t want to be a part of the group.

Question 9.
Please pay attention to ………………………………….. .
Please pay attention to what is being announced in the auditorium.

Question 10.
It was shocking news………………………………….. .
It was shocking news that Rajan used to steal things in school.

Question 11.
Why she said this ……………………………………?
Why she said this is not clear to me also.

Question 12.
It is quite obvious ………………………………….. .
It is quite obvious that he is disinterested in this project.

Question 13.
My fear is ………………………………….. .
My fear is that she will not be able to complete the race.

Question 14.
My mother asked me ………………………………….. .
My mother asked me why couldn’t I help her in the kitchen.

Question 15.
You will have to pay for ………………………………….. .
You will have to pay for what you do.

Question 16.
He wanted me to think ………………………………….. .
He wanted me to think that he is a thorough gentleman.

Question 17.
was very clear to me ………………………………….. .
How he wanted to go about the task was very clear to me.

Question 18.
The teacher was sure ………………………………….. .
The teacher was sure that I was evading her question.

Question 19.
He said in the meeting ………………………………….. .
He said in the meeting that punctuality should be followed every day.

Question 20.
The announcement was ………………………………….. .
The announcement was that the Annual Day was to be celebrated soon.

Adjective/Relative Clause

A subordinate Adjective Clause is which qualifies a noun or a pronoun in the main clause and does the work of an adjective. It is also known as Relative Clause.

  • The book that you are holding is a masterpiece.
  • The car which is steel grey in colour is mine.
  • I respect all those people who are knowledgeable.

The underlined clauses above are all Adjective Clauses.

Note: Adjective clauses are generally introduced by

  • relative pronouns like which, who, whom, that
  • relative adverbs ‘when’ and ‘where’

Clauses for Class 9 CBSE Solved Exercise With Answers

Complete the following sentences by using appropriate Adjective Clauses.

Question 1.
Somebody has stolen the diamond necklace ………………………………….. .
Somebody has stolen the diamond necklace that was my anniversary gift.

Question 2.
Keep all the gifts which you consider ………………………………….. .
Keep all the gifts which you consider precious in a safe place.

Question 3.
This is the book ………………………………….. .
This is the book which had got lost.

Question 4.
Gone are the ………………………………….. days
Gone are the days when children used to play outdoor games.

Complete the following sentences using appropriate relative clauses.

Question 5.
The music concert ………………………………….. is over.
The music concert which started in the morning is over.

Question 6.
The boy ………………………………….. .
The boy who got the prize is the head bov of the school.

Question 7.
My friend ………………………………….. is celebrating the day.
My friend whose birthday falls in the next week is celebrating the day.

Question 8.
Is this the movie …………………………………..?
Is this the movie which you were appreciating so much.

Question 9.
This is the trophy ………………………………….. .
This is the trophy that I received on the Sports Day.

Question 10.
Have you met the person …………………………………..?
Have you met the person who was distributing sweets.

Question 11.
This is the shirt ………………………………….. .
This is the shirt which mv mother gifted me.

Question 12.
The house ………………………………….. has been demolished.
The house which had developed cracks in the walls has been demolished.

Question 13.
This is the same excuse ………………………………….. .
This is the same excuse that you come up with every time.

Question 14.
Is this the place …………………………………..?
Is this the place where I was born.

Question 15.
The prisoner ………………………………….. has run away.
The prisoner who had committed number of robberies has run away.

Question 16.
The gift ………………………………….. was a special one.
The gift that my brother gave on Rakhee was a special one.

Question 17.
This is the dress ………………………………….. .
This is the dress which I got made at a designer boutique.

Question 18.
He is the saint ………………………………….. .
He is the saint who is also called the spiritual guru.

Question 19.
The old lady ………………………………….. is dead.
The old lady who had been ailing for some time is dead.

Question 20.
The theatre ………………………………….. .
The theatre which was in a dilapidated condition has been converted into a mall.

Adverb Clause

A Subordinate Adverb Clause is that which performs the function of an adverb in a sentence. Examples:
(a) Wait till I return.
(b) It is useless to argue as you will not understand.
(c) The suggestions were so good that I agreed immediately.

The underlined clauses, above are Adverb Clauses. Adverb Clauses are introduced to J?y the following subordinate conjunctions.
(i) Adverb clause of ‘Place’: Conjunctions where, wherever
(a) Wherever you may go, I shall be able to find you.
(b) The child will go where his mother goes.

(ii) Adverb clause of ‘Time’. Conjunctions: when, while, before, after, since, whenever, till, until as, as soon as, so long as
(a) The mother was cooking while the children were dancing.
(b) As soon as the robbers saw the police, they ran away.

(iii) Adverb clause of ‘contrast’. Conjunctions: although, even if, even though.
(a) He will not clear the exams, even if he works very hard.
(b) Although he is younger, he looks older.

(iv) Adverb clause of ‘Manner’. Conjunctions: as, as if, as though, as …. so
(a) She behaves as though she were a queen.
(b) Don’t treat me as if I am your servant.

(v) Adverb Clause of ‘Purpose’. Conjunctions: so that, in order that, lest.
(a) Work hard lest you should fail.
(b) The laborers worked hard so that they could earn a living.

(vi) Adverb clause of ‘Reason’. Conjunctions: Since, as, for, because.
(a) Since you were absent, your name is not in the list.
(b) He died because he lacked the will to survive.

(vii) Adverb clause of ‘Comparison’. Conjunctions: as, then.
(a) My mother is wiser than my father.
(b) He is not as tall as his friend.

(viii) Adverb clause of ‘Condition’. Conjunctions: if, unless, provided that, in case.
(a) If she extends an invitation, I will certainly go.
(b) I will sign the agreement provided you give me the cheque.

(ix) Adverb clause of ‘Extent’. Conjunctions: so far as, as far as.
(a) As far as my knowledge of him goes, he is a miser.
(b) So far as I am concerned. I am willing to contribute.

(x) Adverb clause of Result/Effect/Consequence. Conjunctions: so, so… that
(a) The beggar is so poor that he hardly gets anything to eat.
(b) He got up late, so he missed his school bus.

Clauses for Class 9 CBSE Solved Exercise With Answers

Complete the following sentences using appropriate relative clauses.

Question 1.
the students got up.
As soon as the teacher entered the class, the students got up.

Question 2.
He gets lots of gifts
He gets lots of gifts whenever he comes.

Question 3.
I didn’t wake you up
I didn’t wake you up because you were looking tired.

Question 4.
We all must work hard
We all must work hard in order to better our future.

Complete the following sentences using appropriate adverb clauses.

Question 5.
You may sit
You may sit wherever you like.

Question 6.
He was punished
He was punished because he did not follow the rules.

Question 7.
She was not rich
She was not rich as could be seen from her clothes.

Question 8.
He worked so hard
He worked so hard that he passed with flying colours.

Question 9.
Wait till I give you a call.

Question 10.
You will pass with flying colours
You will pass with flying colours if you burn the midnight oil.

Question 11.
one will have to hear the same story.
We have told him not to repeat as, one will have to hear the same story.

Question 12.
she kept on reciting the same poem so many times.
Although I told her to stop, she kept on reciting the same poem so many times.

Question 13.
She is more beautiful
She is more beautiful than I had thought her to be.

Question 14.
I could hear her clearly
I could hear her clearly since she was standing close to me.

Question 15.
she stayed at home.
As it was raining, she stayed at home.

Question 16.
He behaved he was mad.
He behaved as if he was mad.

Question 17.
We shall miss the train,
We shall miss the train if we don’t rush.

Question 18.
you will not pass.
Unless you work hard, you will not pass.

Question 19.
I am contented.
As far as I am concerned, I am contented.

Question 20.
Nobody can become perfect
Nobody can become perfect because it ¡s not possible.

Question 21.
I interviewed him
I interviewed him so that I could publish it in the magazine.

Question 22.
He thought himself rich
He thought himself rich because he had inherited a lot of property.

Question 23.
The passage ¡s so difficult
The passage is so difficult that I needed my teacher’s help to explain it to me.

Question 24.
I shall stick to it.
If I make a promise, I shall stick to it.

Question 25.
Choose the correct option for the sentences below.
(a) Waiting for the doctor, ____________________ [a big noise scared everybody, Dave read a magazine, the alarm went off]
(b) ___________________ in the jungle, George had to find the way out on his own. (having lost, lost, losing]
(c) _____________________ our pottery will last, for generations. [treating with care/you treat with care/treated with care]
(d) ____________________ a holiday, all the banks were closed. [having been/been! being]
(e) ____________________ for so long, he had lost all hope. [being unemployed/unemployed! having been unemployed]
(a) Dave read a magazine.
(b) Having lost
(c) Treated with care
(d) Being
(e) Having been unemployed

Question 26.
Join the rolling sentences using a present-participle as given in the example.
We walked along the footpath. We saw an accident. Walking along the footpath, we saw ai accident. (Note: Out of the two actions, the one which takes place first is changed into present participle.)
(a) He stood by the side of a temple. He asked people to go in.
(b) She came out of the room. She greeted the visitors.
(c) He heard the news. He started crying.
(d) He found the lock broken. He rang up the Police.
(e) He felt sleepy. He went to bed.
(a) Standing by the side of a temple, he asked people to go in.
(b) Coming out of the room, she greeted the visitors.
(c) Having heard the news, he started crying.
(d) Having found the lock broken, he rang up the police.
(e) Feeling sleepy, he went to bed.

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