Determiners Exercises With Answers for Class 9 CBSE
Types of Determiners
A | Articles | a, an, the |
B. | Demonstratives | this, that, these, those |
C. | Possessives | my, our, yours, his, her, their etc. |
D. | Distributives | either, neither, each, every |
E. | Quantifiers | one, two, some, few, any, much, many, little, a little, few, a few, the few, etc. |
E | Interrogatives | what, which, whose, etc. |
A. Articles
We already know that there are three articles in English—A, An, and The. Of these, ‘a’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles while ‘the’ is the definite article. An article is placed before a noun but if there is an adjective before a noun, the article is placed before the adjective.
- a carpenter – a skilled carpenter
- the ball – the heavy ball
Difference between W and ‘An’
‘A’ is used before a word beginning with a consonant sound. An’ is used before a word beginning with a vowel sound.
- a cow, a man, a girl, a Canadian, a dreamy boy, etc.
- an MLA, an egg, an hour, an honest man, an apple, etc.
Use of ‘A’ and ‘An’
- To convey the numerical sense of ‘one’.
An honest man is an asset to the nation. - To change a Proper Noun into a Common Noun.
There should be a Krishan in every family. - To point out an unfamiliar person, animal or a thing.
I met a girl in the street. - To- talk about any one member of a class.
A dog is a very faithful animal.
Use of ‘The’
‘The’ is used in the following cases:
- Before the superlative degree.
- Neena is the shortest girl in her class.
- When we talk of a particular person or a thing.
- Did you meet the girl?
- Have you seen the movie?
- We use ‘the’ with something or someone already referred to.
- The man who is standing at the door is my uncle.
- This is the ring you gave me.
- With a common noun when that noun represents the whole class.
- The donkey is a beast of burden.
- When we refer to holy books, newspapers, geographical places, rivers, seas and oceans, well-known buildings, mountain ranges, races, some countries, whole families, etc.
- The Gita, The Arabian Sea.
- The United Kingdom. The Gandhis.
- The Aravalis.
- The Times of India.
- The Brahmaputra.
- The Red Fort.
- We use ‘the’ when there is only one of something which is unique.
- The Sun, The EJarth, The Equator,
- The North Pole.
- With adjectives when those adjectives area used as nouns.
- The rich always exploit the poor.
- Note the use of ‘the’ in the following phrases and expressions.
- Sold by the dozen, on the other hand”
- The more, the merrier, speak the truth.
Determiners Solved Exercise With Answers for Class 9 CBSE
- ………………….. stray animals have become ………………….. big nuisance on city roads.
- I have neither seen ………………….. elephant nor ………………….. camel.
- The other day, Paresh met ………………….. European ………………….. Canadian American and ………………….. Japanese.
- ………………….. accident occurred at ………………….. crossing.
- ………………….. inter-school drama competition will be held in ………………….. auditorium.
- I had ………………….. eggs for breakfast.
- Have you been listening to ………………….. news lately.
- I have ………………….. something to share.
- Ramesh is ………………….. tallest boy in the class.
- ………………….. good breakfast will give you all ………………….. energy you need.
- Hamida knows how to play ………………….. guitar.
- He was holding ………………….. Gita in his hands.
- My sister invited all her friends to ………………….. lunch.
- ………………….. Mother has not been well since yesterday.
- We were not in ………………….. hurry to go to school.
- My friend’s painting was ………………….. best.
- He has got ………………….. job.
- ………………….. cat jumped over ………………….. wall.
- Why weren’t you carrying ………………….. umbrella?
- Prem was born in ………………….. cultured family.
- What is ………………….. time by your watch?
- He is neither ………………….. good husband nor ………………….. good father.
- Come for ………………….. interview tomorrow.
- ………………….. English is ………………….. sweet language.
- I have not seen ………………….. water bottle you were carrying. It was a very expensive one.
- Both teams played wonderfully well. But one with a green flag was ………………….. exception.
- She cooked up ………………….. story but it was not ………………….. the first time she had done it.
- They missed ………………….. 8 o’clock bus, now they had to wait for an hour for ………………….. next bus, so to kill ………………….. time, they bought a few magazines.
- ………………….. policeman who caught ………………….. thief is ………………….. sincere and hardworking person. He was awarded medal ………………….. for the act of bravery last year.
- …………………. entire political system needs to be changed from ………………….. top to bottom.
- Sachin Tendulkar is ………………….. Bradman of India. He used to play ………………….. game of cricket with ease, nobody could match up to.
- I bought ………………….. watch ………………….. and wallet as birthday gifts, though the watch is working fine,………………….. wallet’s leather doesn’t seem to be of good quality.
- She was reading ………………….. book on ………………….. life of Mother Teresa who was ………………….. inspiration to all.
- While going to ………………….. office, yesterday, my sister met ………………….. old lady with ………………….. begging bowl in ………………….. her hand and shðwas in bad shape too.
- ………………….. Police are on ………………….. lookout for ………………….. thief who had not only looted jewellery but had also taken ………………….. motorbike of the owner. He shared ………………….. booty wìth his friends and left ………………….. city. While making good his escape on ………………….. motorcycle, he met with ………………….. accident and landed in ………………….. hospital. Later he was caught by ………………….. police.
- I desperately needed ………………….. break from work as I used to feel exhausted at ………………….. end of ………………….. day. My parents took me to ………………….. specialist who after examining me, prescribed ………………….. few supplements. After about ………………….. week, I felt batter and thanked ………………….. doctor.
- the, a, the
- an, a
- a, a, an, a
- an, the
- an, the
- X
- the
- X
- the
- A, the
- the
- the
- X
- x,
- a
- the
- a
- A, the
- an
- a
- the
- a, a
- an
- X, a
- the, a
- the, the , the an
- a, the
- the, an, the, the, a
- The, the, a, a, an
- The, X, X
- the, the, an
- a, a, the, the
- a, the, an
- the, an, a, a
- The, the, a, the, the, the, the, an, a, the
- a, the, the, a, a, a, the
1. This and these refer to persons or objects close by. This is used before a singular noun and these before plural nouns.
This dress has been stitched by my mother.
These gifts are for you.
2. That and Those refer to persons or things at a distance. That is used before a singular noun and those before plural nouns.
That building was constructed long time back.
Those birds are flying quite high.
3. This and That can be used before the uncountable nouns also.
This crop has got spoilt.
That food was for beggars.
‘They are called possessives because they possess the nouns that follow them.
His mother. Her book. My bag.
Their house. Our work. Your car.
(a) Possessives can be used before both singular and plural nouns.
My chair His wallet Your wallet
My chairs Her bags Her bed.
(b) They can also be used before the countable noun^ and uncountable nouns.
His office Our office Their ministers
Each, Every
(a) Each is used in speaking of two or more persons or things. It signifies the individuals in a limited group.
- Each child was dressed beautifully.
- Each individual from the group shall be given the ration.
(b) Every is used in speaking of more than two persons or things. It signifies a large or indefinite number.
- Every child should obey rules.
- Every Indian should be proud of his/her country. ‘
(c) Either
It has two meanings.
(i) Any of the two different things or persons.
- You can take either road, (anyone road)
- Beautiful landscape is there on either side of the museum, (on both the sides)
(d) Neither
It is the opposite of either. It means not one nor the other.
(i) She is on neither side.
- I liked neither of the designs.
These tell us about number or quantity. Some quantifiers can be used only with countable, some with only uncountables and there are some which go with both.
(a) Many: It is used before the countable noun and suggests a large number.
- I carry many books and notebooks to school.
(b) Several: Suggests number and is used before countables.
- There were several instruments in the shop.
(c) Much: Denotes large quantity and is used before uncountables.
- Much water has flown since then.
(d) Some: Suggests quantity, number or degree. It is used in Affirmative or Interrogative sentences
when a positive response is desired or expected.
- There were some confidential papers kept on the table.
- Can you please pass me some sugar?
(e) Any: Also suggests quantity, degree or number. It is used in Negative sentences or where
a negative response is expected.
- Have you done any work so far?
- Is there any female in the office?
- I don’t have any money.
(f) Little, A Little, the Little – denote quantity
- Little – means not much, almost nil in quantity. It has negative meaning.
She has little hope of recovery. - A little – means some in quantity, though not much. It has a positive meaning.
There is hope of a little water for villagers. - The little – means the whole quantity though very small.
The little money that he offered, proved useful.
(g) Few, A few, The few, – denote number
- Few – means almost nil in number. It has a negative meaning.
Few students try to improve themselves. - A few – means some at least though not many. It has a positive meaning. *
Only a few were able to complete. - The few – means all of what is left, though small in number.
The few children who participated scored very well.
These determine help to ask questions. What, which, whose, how much, and how many are interrogatives. These can be used before any kind of noun.
- Which train goes to Patna?
- How many bottles of cold drinks will be served at the party?
- Whose books are these?
Determiners Solved Exercise With Answers for Class 7 CBSE
Question 1.
In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with one of the following determiners.
much – many – few – little – most
- Our garden looks awful this summer. There are too …………………………… weeds.
- We still have a …………………………… more months before the rain. Let’s hope the rain comes on time this year.
- Also, I’ve paid …………………………… attention to how …………………………… rain we’ve had.
- I’m afraid it rained very …………………………… this summer, and the grass is turning brown and it’s dying.
- ………………………….. experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the summer.
- It didn’t seem to do my lawn …………………………… good.
- …………………………… of the advice you get from experts doesn’t seem to help.
- ………………………….. of my neighbors ignored their grass, and they have better lawns this year.
Question 2.
Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners. More than one answer is possible in certain cases.
- ………………… workers are on strike.
- There are ………………….. colours in the rainbow.
- The subject of ………………….. speech was very interesting.
- …………………. candidate deserves to win the elections.
- ………………….. member of the group was wearing a black badge.
- I could not finish my work as I had ………………….. time on my hands.
- We have a get-together at our place ………………….. Sunday.
- ………………….. child needs love and care.
- Has ………………….. one of you been to Shirdi?
- …………………. books that he had, he sold them also.
- Can you please speak ………………….. louder?
- Ramesh had seen that movie ………………….. times.
- The children who are playing outside are always cheerful, look at ………………….. faces.
- She bought ………………….. books at the book fair yesterday.
- ………………….. people write English correctly.
- ………………….. people have benefitted from meditation.
- Not ………………….. is known about that temple.
- Do you need ………………….. help?
- ………………… roses look so lovely.
- She admitted that she had ………………….. information.
- (a) Many/Several
- (b) many
- (c) his
- (d) Every/Each
- (e) Each
- (f) little
- (g) this
- (h) Every
- (i) any
- (j) The few
- (k) a little
- (l) many
- (m) their
- (n) many/a few
- (o) Few / Many
- (p) Many / Several
- (q) much
- (r) any / some
- (s) All
- (t) no / little