Changing Cultural Traditions Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers
I. Choose the right option from the following statements
Question 1.
Cassandra Fedele was
(a) Women humanist
(b) Orator
(c) Curator
(d) Professor
Answer: (a) Women humanist
Question 2.
Erasmus, a Christian humanist was from
(a) Africa
(b) Asia
(c) Holland
(d) England.
Answer: (c) Holland
Question 3.
Protestant Reformers was
(a) A document opposing church practises
(b) A movement against Catholic Church by Martin Luther, a monk
(c) A mutiny
(d) Peasants’ movement opposing over-taxation.
Answer: (b) A movement against Catholic Church by Martin Luther, a monk
Question 4.
Copernicus was afraid of printing his manuscript because
(a) It was not good to mankind
(b) It was a disclosure of Church’s fallacy
(c) It would here jeopardise his image in society
(d) He wanted to avoid its bitter percussions in his individual life-time.
Answer: (d) He wanted to avoid its bitter percussions in his individual life-time.
Question 5.
William Tyndal while presenting English version of Bible says
(a) It will create public awareness to religion
(b) Network of Christianity would increase
(c) It will imprint virtues in the hearts of masses
(d) It will disclose how trickily, the church and its clergy men have made Bible all for their advantage.
Answer: (d) It will disclose how trickily, the church and its clergy men have made Bible all for their advantage.
II. Fill in the blanks
Question 1.
All men are bad and even ready to display their nature partly because of the fact that human desires are ……………..
Answer: insatiable
Question 2.
Good manners include politeness in speech and activity, dress correctly and positive ……………..
Answer: skills
Question 3.
She condemned republic for freedom defined in favour of ……………. men over those of women.
Answer: desires
Question 4.
It is well for a woman to have a ………….. and delicate tenderness with an air of feminine sweetness in her every movement/gesture.
Answer: certain soft
Question 5.
Clergy would sell ……………. which apparently freed the buyer from the burden of the sins he had committed.
Answer: indulgences
Question 6.
Complete faith in God alone could …………….. to the right life and entry into heaven.
Answer: guide
Question 7.
Ignatius Loyola, a Spanish set up the ………….. in 1540 to cope with Protestanism.
Answer: Jesus Society
Question 8.
De revolutionibus of ……………… retained by him impublished till his death bed.
Answer: Copernicus
Question 9.
………………. meant the area of government and of formal religion.
Answer: Public sphere of life
Question 10.
Europe dissolved in a number of smaller independent states on ………………. basis as Italy initially was in dissolved state.
Answer: Linguistic.
III. Write “true” or “untrue” against the following statements:
Question 1.
Andreas Vesalius wrote his-On Anatomy in 1575.
Answer: Untrue
Question 2.
Copernicus could not get published his De Revolutionibus because of poverty of courage.
Answer: true
Question 3.
To say Middle ages, a period of stagnation and period of renaissance as dynamic, is all correct.
Answer: untrue
Question 4.
Europe was united as a result of renaissance lighted the minds of masses.
Answer: untrue
Question 5.
Recognition’of knowledge of product of observations and experiment filled the environment with the air of natural sciences i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc.
Answer: true
Question 6.
Conch blowing of discussions and debate mandatory to understand subjects on humanities i.e. grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history and moral philosophy gave birth to persons of multiple expertise.
Answer: true
Question 7.
Life like statues, eg. “The Pieta” indicate the sculptor Michelangelo Buonarroti was equally a good partner and architect in himself.
Answer: true
Question 8.
Albrecht Durer, an artist says that no man shall ever be able to make a beautiful figure out of his own imagination unless he has well stored his mind by much copying from life.
Answer: true
Question 9.
No grievance the peasants produced showing disregard to the church in the matter of increase in taxes.
Answer: untrue
Question 10.
Academy of Sciences set-up in Paris in 1678.
Answer: untrue
IV. Match the persons with the event/works related to them
Column A | Column B |
(i) Leonardo, da Vinci | (a) The DUomo, Florence Cathedral |
(ii) Michelangelo | (b) A Humanist who opposed church practices. |
(iii) Albrecht Durer | (c) Women activist for empowerment of women. |
(iv) Giotto | (d) The Prince (Book on Human nature) |
(v) Ptolemy | (e) Protestant Reformation. |
(vi) Brunelleschi | (f) Mary holding the body of Jesus (sculpture), The Pieta. |
(vii) Niccolo Machiavelli | (g) Brush drawing of Praying Hands. |
(viii) Cassandra Fedele | (h) Almagest in Greek language |
(ix) Martin Luther | (i) Known as disciple of experiment and scholar in astronomy, natural sciences, physiology and painting. |
(x) Thomas More | (j) Painting of the child Jesus, Italy. |
Column A | Column B |
(i) Leonardo, da Vinci | (i) Known as disciple of experiment and scholar in astronomy, natural sciences, physiology and painting. |
(ii) Michelangelo | (f) Mary holding the body of Jesus (sculpture), The Pieta. |
(iii) Albrecht Durer | (g) Brush drawing of Praying Hands. |
(iv) Giotto | (j) Painting of the child Jesus, Italy. |
(v) Ptolemy | (h) Almagest in Greek language |
(vi) Brunelleschi | (a) The DUomo, Florence Cathedral |
(vii) Niccolo Machiavelli | (d) The Prince (Book on Human nature) |
(viii) Cassandra Fedele | (c) Women activist for empowerment of women. |
(ix) Martin Luther | (e) Protestant Reformation. |
(x) Thomas More | (b) A Humanist who opposed church practices. |