Confrontation of Cultures Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers
I. Choose the right option from the following statements
Question 1.
Columbus could explore the New world because
(a) He had got training from a college
(b) He was employed in a ship-making workshop
(c) He was brought up at the shore and from a poor family
(d) He properly used compass and other devices invented till then.
Answer: (c) He was brought up at the shore and from a poor family
Question 2.
Corrtes could destroy Aztecs empire because
(a) He was an expert Army Commander.
(b) He bagged help from the Totonacs.
(c) He was supported by artillery.
(d) He was shrewd, manipulator and fraudulent.
Answer: (d) He was shrewd, manipulator and fraudulent.
Question 3.
Brazil was discovered by
(a) Columbus
(b) Pedro Alvares Cabral
(c) Vasco-da-gama
(d) Cortes.
Answer: (b) Pedro Alvares Cabral
Question 4.
The Portuguese would have thought of importing slaves from Africa because
(a) Slaves were openly sold in Africa
(b) Sugar mills were being estabilished in Brazil
(c) Local natives had abandoned their homes and hearth
(d) Slaves could further be exported to Portugal.
Answer: (c) Local natives had abandoned their homes and hearth
II. Fill in the blanks with suitable words
Question 1.
A temple pertaining to …………… culture is existed in Guatemala. It was built sometime in..eighth century.
Answer: Mayan
Question 2.
……………….. is a process which turns waste land in a land proliferating with high yielding crops.
Answer: Reclamation
Question 3.
……………….. was a ball court marker with inscribed dates. It pertains to Maya culture.
Answer: Chiapas
Question 4.
……………. living in Bahamas were …………….. while living ……………. in Lesser Antilles were …………
Answer: Arawaks, Human, Caribs, devil
Question 5.
There was ……………….. economy in the Caribbean region and in Brazil.
Answer: small subsistence
Question 6.
Animists are the people wrho prefer …………….
Answer: idolatry
Question 7.
We see monarchial Systems based on well-developed agriculture and mining in …………….
Answer: Caribbean region and in Brazil
Question 8.
Combating against Protestants gave birth to a society namely …………….. in 1540.
Answer: Society of Jesus
Question 9.
There was gold in the mountain streams flowing over ………………..
Answer: Hispaniola
Question 10.
Montezuma under influence of fear took Cortes as ……………… of an exiled god.
Answer: reincarnation
III. Write “true” or “false” by evaluating the following statements
Question 1.
Pablo Neruda in his “The Heights of Machu Picchu”, a hill top town of Incas culture appreciates the masons, architects, sculptors for excel structures built there.
Answer: true
Question 2.
Imago Mundi, a book had not properly guided Columbus in his sea adventures.
Answer: false
Question 3.
The Spanish inflicted atrocities on Arawaks, the simple and just people as Bartolome delas Casas, an ascetic states that the Spanish often tested their swords on the naked flesh of the Arawaks.
Answer: true
Question 4.
Montezuma, the King of Aztecs empire fought bravely against Cortes of Spain in a battle field.
Answer: false
Question 5.
The Spanish had cleaned their hands on gold statues kept inside the tombs.
Answer: false
Question 6.
The King of Portugal divided Brazil in ten captaincies.
Answer: false
Question 7.
There is no greater boon that acquires a home or family by gobbling unjustly the share of others.
Answer: false
Question 8.
Any man who deprives others of their freedom, and being able to restore that freedom, does not do so, is condemned.
Answer: true
Question 9.
South America is called Latin America because of Latin spoken there and adopted as court language.
Answer: false
Question 10.
Mexico was a city with structures built on the lake. These were built of stones.
Answer: true.
IV. Match Column A with exact time line given in B below
Column A | Column B |
(i) Pizarro conquers Inca Kingdom | (a) 1522 |
(ii) Dutch East India Company formed | (b) 1492 |
(iii) Columbus claims Bahamas Islands | (c) 1500 |
(iv) Spanish Conquer the Philippines | (d) 1600 |
(v) British East India company formed. | (e) 1499 |
(vi) John Carbot, an Englishman, explores North American coast. | (f) 1532 |
(vii) Magellan encircumbulates around the globe | (g) 1602 |
(viii) Vasco-da-gama reaches Calicut/Kozhikode. | (h) 1513 |
(ix) Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal. | (i) 1513 |
(x) Cortes defeats Aztecs. | (j) 1571 |
(xi) Balboa crosses Panama Isthmus, sights Pacific Ocean. | (k) 1448 |
(xii) Amerigo Vespucci sights South American coast | (l) 1497 |
(xiii) The undiscovered world divided between Portugal and Spain. | (m) 1521 |
Column A | Column B |
(i) Pizarro conquers Inca Kingdom | (f) 1532 |
(ii) Dutch East India Company formed | (g) 1602 |
(iii) Columbus claims Bahamas Islands | (b) 1492 |
(iv) Spanish Conquer the Philippines | (i) 1513 |
(v) British East India company formed. | (d) 1600 |
(vi) John Carbot, an Englishman, explores North American coast. | (l) 1497 |
(vii) Magellan encircumbulates around the globe | (a) 1522 |
(viii) Vasco-da-gama reaches Calicut/Kozhikode. | (k) 1448 |
(ix) Cabral claims Brazil for Portugal. | (c) 1500 |
(x) Cortes defeats Aztecs. | (m) 1521 |
(xi) Balboa crosses Panama Isthmus, sights Pacific Ocean. | (h) 1513 |
(xii) Amerigo Vespucci sights South American coast | (e) 1499 |
(xiii) The undiscovered world divided between Portugal and Spain. | (i) 1513 |